One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well. ~Virginia Woolf

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

AGA Cast Iron Range

This seems like a practical way to bake, a lot less space than those double ovens 
and a lot more cuter 
(is that a word?)  

Aren't they positively yummy?

Aga ACMP-NG-ST Companion 24" Cast Iron Natural Propane Fuel Range with Standard
You can get your very own here!
K, they're a little spendy over $5,000.00...Youv've gotta be really in love.

At 24 inches wide, it may be small in stature, but it's big on performance and style. This dual-fuel range features four versatile gas burners, one conventional oven with an integral broiler and one convection oven. And of course, it's made with that classic Aga design available in 15 delicious colors. As a free-standing range it brings the versatility of dual-fuel cooking into any kitchen. For 2 Oven, 3 Oven and 4 Oven Aga owners, it provides additional cooking surfaces by attaching directly to the left hand side of either model. Or, it can be placed in a separate location in the kitchen.

Aga A64-LP Pewter Six Four 39" Cast-Iron Dual Liquid Propane Fuel Range with Sta A64-LP-PWT
Over $9,000.00


Love it!


Aga how it works

The Inside Story

  1. Insulated Covers: Those twin insulated covers are the great Aga hallmark. When closed, they`re just gently warm to the touch. Open them and both hot plates are instantly ready to cook.
  2. Boiling Plate: A high heat that can boil water faster than most electric kettles. It`s large enough to hold three average sized saucepans at once.
  3. Heat Source: Once an Aga is up to operating temperature just a trickle of energy is all that`s needed to keep it there. You can choose from natural gas, propane gas, electricity or oil.
  4. Simmering Plate: Again holds three average sized saucepans. It also doubles as a griddle.
  5. Roasting Oven: This oven can take anything up to a 13kg/28lb bird. It is also used for grilling and doubles for baking.
  6. Baking Oven: Featured in every 3 or 4 oven Aga. Like all Aga ovens the cast iron interior holds in its heat tenaciously, so don`t be afraid to open the door and take a peek at progress.
  7. Simmering Oven: Using this versatile oven in conjunction with the hotter oven and hotplates is the key to Aga cooking simplicity - and its wonderful flavors.
  8. Warming Oven: Featured on every 4 oven Aga. Keeps cooked food warm without drying it out, ideal for entertaining.
  9. Warming Plate: A valuable general purpose surface standard on every 4 oven Aga. 

Need a dishwasher?
Got about $2,500.00 kickin around?

Yep, they have fridges too!

Over $5,000.00...
Over $12,000 smack-a-roos!!!
But D.I.V.I.N.E.!!!!

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